Antenna TV Experts – Free TV Cutting the Cord & Cable TV Alternatives

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Why should you Cut the Cord?

Cutting the Cord has benefits that go way beyond saving money


Recent studies have shown that over 90% of the US population is within range to stream free over-the-air HD television.


The average US household’s cable bill is $123. This means you can save over $1,400 a year by simply dropping Cable TV.


Cable companies are allowed to downgrade their service by 30% to save on transmission costs. OTA doesn’t have this problem.

The Cost Savings are Real!

With a quality TV antenna and a few streaming packages, you can save at least $4,700 over 4 years! This is completely possible:

  • Cable TV companies reel you in with a great promotional discount… then drastically raise it for year 2.

  • Cable TV companies typically raise their prices on average by 6% per year.

  • Most households will only ever need to purchase a quality TV antenna and a streaming media player like Roku (about $150 total).

How do you Cut the Cord?

Finding a cheaper alternative to Cable TV is easy with three simple steps.

#1  Buy an Antenna

Make sure you get the right one for your home and needs. It may take a few tries to find the best position, but eventually you’ll get it right. We have a ton of help for you there.

#2  Decide on Streaming

This is optional, but if you’re going to miss a few Cable-only channels, sports or movies, then a streaming service will be needed. This is the only reason you’ll need to continue to have internet.

#3  Cut the Cord

Pick up the phone let Big Cable know that you’ve found an alternative to Cable TV. I’ve never met someone who regretted going through with cancelling their Cable TV bill.

Need more? You can read our in-depth article (updated for 2020!) on how to cut the cord.

In the Press

Our antenna TV and cord cutting information have been featured in major news publications.


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