How to cut Cable Bill ?

Cut Cable Bill

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$5 here, $10 there, and sometimes $20 , what is it ? Answer Cable bill.
It never seem to get less expensive, there seems to be small increases but may take control of your budget.
Here are some way you can take action and lower your bill right now.

Pay attention to the fees on your Bills

There are some fees that are unavailable but there are some that you can avoid by tweaking your plan. Make sure to call your Cable provider and ask about about those fees.

Premium channels , do you really need them ?

Cut back on premium channels, It’s hard to say goodbye to HBO, Showtime and other premium channels. But doing so can shave $20 or more to your monthly cable bill. Also, from time to time these premium channel offers 3-4 day free and you can catch up on some of their shows. I was able to Watch Game of Thrones without having HBO but by using these free days. That is if you can wait and does not have the compulsion to watch your shows immediately. You can also have your premium subscriptions while your show in in season and cancel when it wraps up.

Pare down cable boxes

It’s nor only the premium channels that are adding to your cable bill. Additional cable boxes often cost $10 to $15 per month. Maybe the equipment in your guestroom or bedroom is not necessary after all, you might only need 1 cable box.

Trim your cable package

Include only your much haves channels can have as much as $35 to $45 per month with some providers. Try it, you probably won’t miss those extra channels. Most households probably only watches 20-30 channels although most of the cable packages have around 200 channels.

Compare rates from different providers

Make sure to research and compare the rates of providers in your area. Glance at those cable provider mail-ins and see what they are offering. Just make sure that you will not face with a sizable cancellation fee from your current providers.

Bundle up

Bundling your cable and internet and sometimes phone with some providers will save you more than $1,00 over two years.
Different service providers offers these pairings but sometimes comes with 2 years contract, make sure that this is good for your situation and that you don’t get talked into bundling servives that you don’t need such as premium channel that you won’t even watch. Also make sure to take note of the expiration of the contract, it comes so fast and you might get surprised once you get the bill after the promo contract is done.

Negotiate a lower rate

Don’t be afraid to call and haggle with your cable service provider. Negotiate a better deal by talking to customer service and asking for a discount and better deal.

Cut the cord

Still not satisfied with the cable bill savings ? Maybe it’s time for you to eliminate it altogether. In my case, my contract and promo period ended and my cable bill will be rising to $185 from $110 and decided to finally cut the cord, “cut cable guy“. You can still watch broadcast TV with the help of a digital antenna and binge on your favorite series with Netflix or Hulu. You can buy Roku streaming device and see all the free and paid services being offered.

You can make small cuts or do what some of us did and go bold and “cut the cable guy“. The saving will add up over time giving back money to your budget that you can use in other areas in your life.

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